Our Attorneys

Meng Li

Iris Li commenced her career as in-house legal counsel in 2006, and she holds law degrees from Shanghai Jiaotong University and Boston University school of law (LLM). She has been mainly practicing in direct foreign investment, corporate governance/compliance and works as legal and compliance counsel for several companies including several Fortune 500 companies and NASDAQ listed companies. She is recognized as being supportive, innovative and targets fair and just solutions for her clients. During her practice, she has helped several start-up companies with business structuring, corporate financing and compliance issues. She is one of founders of this website with an initial objective of helping foreign entities search and find reliable and trustworthy legal assistance in China.


Xu You

Xu You is a partner of Shanghai Watson & Band law offices, is specialized in labor law disputes. He has rich experience to succesfully reprensent foreign high level manager in wrongful dismissal case. He is capable of  establishing internal risk control systems for enterprises, and legal training. He has handled cases involving collective corruption of personnel seconded by German enterprises (involving more than 20 people suspected of embezzlement) and the establishment of internal risk control systems for a pharmaceutical company preparing for IPO. Xu has more than 10 years of experience of practicing as out-sourced legal counsel for various type of companies.


Wang Ye

Vivien Wang is a partner of a prominent law firm located in Shanghai with more than 10-year experience as an attorney-at-law, mainly practicing in the IP law sector and Commercial litigation/arbitration. She has accumulated wide experience in the IP area focusing on infringement of trade secrets, copyright disputes, and Anti-Unfair Competition. She has successfully represented a world famous luxurious brand against a well-known Chinese E-commence platform in the cause of Anti-Unfair Competition and prevailed in the procedures.

Tao Yang

Star Yang has been practicing in civil law for more than 15 years, and she is experienced in dealing with domestic relationship cases, such as divorce, inheritance and asset distribution disputes within families. She was bestowed an award as excellent pro bono attorney in the Shanghai Huangpu district. Meanwhile, she is a column writer of the SMG Radio website providing legal information. In addition, she has solid experience in criminal defense such as intentional injury, illegal possession of drugs, and drug trafficking. Her working style is known to be prudent, detail-oriented and persistent, always fighting in the best interest of her clients.

Yizhou Liu

Mr. Liu is a partner of a prominent IP law firm in mainland China and he has acquired solid experience in IP litigation and arbitration through more than 10 years legal practice. In 2016, two cases represented by Mr. Liu were selected by Shanghai Supreme Court among the Top 10 Cases of Judicial Protection for Intellectual Property Rights heard by courts in Shanghai for the year 2015. Many well-known brands are part of his client list, such as Nike and Adidas. Mr. Liu is also a member of Competition and Anti-Monopoly Service Research Committee of the Shanghai Bar Association.